Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rawhide Kid 001 uploaded

Title says it all!

In case anyone is wondering about the scan credit in the name (ASP-Pmack), I gave it some thought. I know there was a discussion a while back about some people not wanting to join a group per say, but I have been thinking that it doesn't seem right that I scan and upload a book and get all the "credit" for it, especially when it goes public. I decided to use the same credit conventions that the mighty Ontololgy uses when he scans fiche. When he credits the scan, even though he's done all the work himself, he always includes OldWayne, because OW supplied the fiche. (I know sometimes others edit fiche for him, but that doesn't affect my point.) I may have scanned Rawhide Kid 1, but it was supplied by the Atlas Scan Project and they will be credited accordingly.

So from this point on, I'm going to use that convention here as well. Credits will be (ASP-scan-edit). I share all the released files on DC++, and I've renamed them to this standard. Whether or not those of you who edit our scans want to follow this when you upload here is completely up to you, but when I share in the hubs or upload them to the newsgroup they will be standardized to this format.


Anonymous said...

For me everything you decide is perfect.
You do the big work and you will have always all my thanks!!!!

Teachbug said...

I don't agree with you Pmack.
Sure we all chipped in, and gave money to the cause, but any man who doesn't feel he long ago got his moneys worth out of this deal is insane.
You owe us nothing pmack.
You are doing all the work, you bought it, you dealt with it getting mailed to you, you deal with it being re-sold. you scanned it, you edited it. WE as single people NOR as a group did anything to help you.
Sometimes you gotta give credit where credit is due, this book is all about YOU. We simply pointed you in the right direction and "pulled the trigger".
If you want to give credit you could add a text file thanking every single person by nick for our money, BUT that's all we have done.
You do yourself a graven injustice sir.
I'm not saying your gesture of kindness and goodwill is not appreciated or excepted ONLY that it wasn't necessary.
Thank you for the great book pmack, keep up the great work you do, it US who should be showing more respect and gratitude towards you.