Tuesday, June 15, 2010

That is not dead which can eternal lie


It's been many months since I've posted an update, and several of you have asked what's going on. The short answer is that I just dropped the ball.

I've still been buying, scanning and selling books, but because I wasn't keeping track of anything, I haven't updated anything. There have been books that were purchased, in my mind, as part of this project*. Those scans were released but not attributed to the group out of sheer laziness on my part. (If I didn't release them as ASP books, I didn't have to reconcile the spreadsheet. Or so the thinking went.)

What I've done is reconciled the spreadsheet from October, and just disregarded most of the activity for the last 8 months or so. This will work in ASP's favor, as all ebay sales I've made in the last year just served to whittle down the finances. (Seriously. When you buy a book for $200 and sell it for $125 (Cap America 73), or buy for $135 and sell for $75 (Whip Wilson 9), you start to feel like a chump.) The only books I added to the spreadsheet were the two uploaded to the ASP 4shared site.

I'm not asking for, nor will I accept any further donations, but I'd like to put the remainder of our money to a better and more transparent use.

I'd also like to get some feedback on what to buy, so if you've got some suggestions or a wantlist, post it!


* some examples of should-have-been ASP scans that weren't: Menace 1 & 6, Crime Must Lose 5, 6, 8, 12, Men's Adventures 24-26.

1 comment:

=^ Dave (NotAlbert) said...

I'm OK with whatever everyone else wants, as long as you continue to reduce the number of unscanned books!

And if you change your mind about accepting additional contributions, I would consider it my priviledge to do so...=^ D(nA)